Dr Mac Rastkar (BA, BChiro, DipAppSc, MNZCA)

Dr Mac The Senior Chiropractor at Chirolink Auckland

Dr Mac is a graduate of the New Zealand College of Chiropractic. His five-year university degree included human anatomy and physiology, pathology, clinical applications, chiropractic techniques and diagnostic imaging. His outstanding performance in the area of Diagnostic Imaging won him the College’s Dr John Nolan Award.

As a child he always believed in healing hands. His belief accompanied by his genuine, caring personality, enables him to promote chiropractic health to the community through his own healing abilities.

Dr Mac previously worked with the late Dr Patrick Platt, a true chiropractic guru, and he enjoyed Patrick’s presence and his extensive knowledge.

Dr Mac established Ascot Chiropractic Centre in mid-2007 and has successfully provided excellent health care.